Originally Posted by D13
Set steering wheel to the level position.
Adjust tie rods to get correct wheel alignment.
That's the way the factory does it.
If it's way off there is a good chance the frame is bent slightly. Have that problem on mine after the wreck. What happens is that the pitman arm is no longer centered in the linkage, and one tie rod ends up long and one short. It messes the steering ratios up a bit but for a driver not a racer it's not a big deal. But check and make sure that you have at least the minimum thread engagement on the tie rod adjusters.
Thanks, but the alignment and steering on this truck are perfect - cruises at 80 on freeway without even touching the steering wheel, so it would seem a real shame to start messing with tie rods. But sounds like thats the only way then? Do you think alignment could be off enough to throw the wheel 1/4 turn off even though it drives straight?