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Old 09-28-2017, 08:25 PM   #3
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Location: Strykersville, NY
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Re: Auto Trans to SM465 4 Speed Swap in '72 Blazer: Tech Help Needed

Thanks cleszkie! This is super helpful, but I also was realizing more questions as I was reading your responses, so here goes the follow up list:
1. Gotcha, but is there a year range I should be shooting for? Or does it not matter at all? I’m thinking of just making sure that linkages and shift levers line up with the holes in a high hump transmission tunnel cover on a 1972, and a general preference for it to be relatively “correct” since the truck is pretty nice.
2. The close-ratio version sounds more useful for what I use the truck for, what applications were these used in? Or how do I tell which one is which (close ratio vs. wide ratio?
3. Thanks!
4. Actually, I was asking about the pedal assembly itself, there’s two different size return springs, and mounting brackets for the springs on the pedal assembly. I assumed it probably doesn’t matter, but wanted to ask if one was preferable
5. Cool and Thanks!

Also, one more question: Does the clutch pedal assembly need to come from a 4x4 truck to work with the 4x4 V8 Z Bar?
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