Thread: Greg's 50 Build
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Old 10-03-2017, 11:47 AM   #257
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Re: Greg's 50 Build

So the truck project is back on. Nothing photo worthy yet. I listed the Corvette for sale and within a few hours my phone was blowing up and it sold in 3 days. I paid off stuff and was finally able to bring the truck from the barn into the garage again.

I pressure washed the truck and found a lot of surface rust on my chassis. That's what I get for only doing one coat of coating. Now I need to pull a lot back apart to repaint. So while I am just cleaning and getting the truck back to where I left off I am going to keep gathering what I need to move forward.

I bought the last of the sheet metal I needed for the cab and I bought myself my first welder. I ended up springing the extra bucks for a Miller. The Millermatic 211 seemed like the right welder for me. I'm excited to use it but I need to practice on some scrap first.

Updates to follow.
My 1950 Chevy build
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