Battery explosion...WOW!
Did you figure out what caused it?
Ok...back to basics...
1/ Ign on, do you have 12 V on HEI + connection? Supply wire from Ign switch must be 12 G or larger...make sure you havent connected Ign to Tach terminal on HEI connector...
2/ New HEI distributor...does it have the module in it and is it wired correctly?
3/ Missing rotor button?
4/ Distributor timed correctly? Bring cyl #1 to TDC on compression, remove the cap and make sure rotor is pointing to #1 cyl...firing order clockwise, 18436572......see pic...
5/ Does the starter spin the engine over?
Usual suspects...
fuel supply ok?
does the rotor spin when engine cranks over?