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Old 10-05-2017, 01:15 PM   #7
Low Elco
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Re: First Truck Project

If you want a fun bomber that you can learn about while driving, that'd be a good one. Do you have any background in this? A place to work on it? The things tie directly into the cost/aggravation scale. Do you have a lady? Is she down with this? Do you care, for real? This is also a big factor.

#1 Pro Tip: KEEP IT RUNNING! DO. NOT. immediately tear it down in hopes of making it a show beauty. Especially if you're a newb, the "over your head" line comes up REALLY fast, then you have a giant ugly pile of parts and a huge hassle you (and your SO) are gonna hate. That being said, if you keep the projects small and the expense reasonable, you can have lotsa gratifying fun with an old truck. Also, people seem to dig/gravitate towards the old beaters. They assume the guy with the full show truck is gonna be a knob. Honestly examine your situation, and hop on in! We'll be here to help you along. Welcome!
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