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Old 10-11-2017, 12:24 AM   #6
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Re: Power Steering Upgrade and questions

Take the gear box and turn it through the extreme left turn to the extreme right turn and count the total turns. If it's 3 1/2 turns i would install it. My stock 68 power steering gearbox had 5+ turns lock to lock. I believe our trucks were about the only gm application to be mounted outside the frame, all else was inside frame mounted.

Box and pump and lines all from the donor truck you are good to go.

Someone else can chime in and send pics regarding v groove pulley questions.

If this was my project the frame concerns would be the item to check out first and see if the p/s box will bolt on ok or need an adaptor or frame mods. Someone on ebay sells this frame chunk you may possibly need. These trucks would crack in this area or bolts loosen up and cause issues. Not trying to scare anyone, just a suggestion to start there and build up from there.
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