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Old 10-11-2017, 09:40 PM   #1
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Posts: 96
Soft Ray (green) or clear glass?

Wanted to get everyone's opinion on which glass they prefer. I don't want the gray tinted glass and want to stick with either the Soft Ray (green) or clear. Plan is to paint the truck the factory turquoise with white from the belt line up. From a vision point of view, can you even tell a difference once you're in the truck and looking through the windows? It's been a while since I've driven a vehicle without aftermarket film tint.

Since I will be replacing all the glass, I want all the glass to match one way or another, all Soft Ray or all clear.

I've heard the aftermarket door windows can be a smaller thickness so I've thought about having the door windows and even the vent windows cut from an automotive glass shop. Same if the rear glass isn't the same thickness as the factory.

Any aftermarket suppliers you would stay away from due to smaller thickness, etc?

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