Re: Power Steering Upgrade and questions
When I did my PS upgrade, I used a box from a 85-86 or so truck. I got the rag joint with it and bought a rag joint repair kit for the bolts and rubber. Then I used my original half from the 68 and the original half from the later box and rebuilt the middle. Upgrading to PS was a great choice but I wouldn't have done it without using the later box and getting VR and fewer turns LTL. The factory 68-72 is just too soft feeling for me. I used the later model hoses because I got them with the gearbox and made sure to get the fittings so they matched. They're a bit long but I plan on having some made to fit, I've just been working on other things and it works fine. I swapped the fitting from the later PS pump on to my earlier one and was set. I have a 250 and wanted to stay with the original pump because of the brackets.
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Barrett-Jackson has perfected alchemy,they make rust into gold!
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"Sometimes your Knight in shining armor is just a retard in tinfoil"