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Old 10-12-2017, 11:35 AM   #11
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Re: Best Paint Match for 1972 Saddle Interior

Another question on this subject, if I go to the local paint shop and have a color match done, what color am I matching and where does it apply? It appears that the arm rests are definitely a different shade of saddle then the door panels. Is everything else the same? This is the list of items I would consider painting to "restore" my interior:

Dash pad
Sun visors
Steering column
Door panels
Arm rests
Bucket seat backs
Center console

My wild guess would be dash pad is a completely different shade (matching the dash paint color, closer to a sandalwood color), sun visors match the door panels, steering column matches the steering wheel (completely different shade but lighter like the dash pad), door panels match seat backs, center console, and sun visors (the dark saddle we are talking about above).

Anyone want to chime in, is this close at all or am I way off?
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