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Old 10-12-2017, 02:33 PM   #13
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Re: Best Paint Match for 1972 Saddle Interior

Originally Posted by WannaBe68 View Post
Just happened to bump into this thread and I have been dealing with trying to match "Saddle" for the better part of this year! I've gone through many different saddle paints with some being close, but looking like milk chocolate - or fudge - or some other variant of a chocolate, but never really "Saddle". I was trying marine based spray paint, actual saddle making spray paint. Man -
I ran Google and FedEx ragged trying so many! I finally tried one from a Corvette site that has turned out to be really close to my original Saddle. It is a little dull as a base coat, but put a light coat of clear on it and it's amazing how it comes to life and could pass for stock Saddle color!
Here are some shots of a few pieces with just the base coat on them and then with the clear coat on -
Wow that looks great! Any comparisons to a factory saddle finish? Found that stuff pretty easily, $20 a can isn't bad. What clear did you use?
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