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Old 10-14-2017, 06:46 PM   #1
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Posts: 12
Need help - Drum removal

I have spent all day trying to get his thing off. The truck is a 1972 C20 - 8 lug. I have removed the axle and spanner nuts/washers. The drum will turn by hand easily. Emergency brake is off. I have tried beating on it with hammer, PB blaster, and pullin on it like an idiot. I can slide the drum off about 1/4", after which it will not turn. Push it back flush and it turns. It has a very firm end feel after I slide it 1/4".

Looking at the back there are 2 open slots. When I stick a screwdriver in it just lifts/shifts the drum a little. Is there another opening I am missing? Some other bolt to loosen? I have read about turning down the adjuster but not sure how to do that.

Any ideas would be appreciated before I start drinking PB Buster

Name:  drum inner.jpg
Views: 542
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Name:  drum outer.jpg
Views: 544
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