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Old 10-18-2017, 09:57 PM   #11
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Dawson Creek, B.C.
Posts: 144
Re: Can i ask a dodge truck question

Hate to be the one to say this, but being a dodge 318 I would be inclined to think cracked head(s).My brother and I have rebuilt a few of these engines (he's a dodge guy) and every one that we've taken apart has had at least one cracked head.They seem to like breaking right between the intake and exhaust valves.

Before I get jumped on for this, every one of these engines was a running engine when we tore them apart.

1961 Apache short stepside 4X4 SBW 348/4 speed
1960 Apache C-20 long fleet custom cab BBW 283/4 Speed
1967 rust bucket Olds Cutlass with a 455
1972 GMC K-15 350/4 speed long fleet
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