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Old 10-20-2017, 12:35 PM   #1397
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Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Virginia Beach
Posts: 26
Re: 85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"

First I'd like to say that it has been a pleasure reading this thread on Scarlett and it has helped me figure out how I want to proceed on my truck. I recently picked up a 86 and needless to say it has some issues that need addressed. Like you mentioned I have taken a baby step approach to getting things done as I have also been stressed out trying to get too much done at one time. Great job with everything you have done to it. I do have a question. I have attached some pics of a wire bundle that I can't figure out where it goes. The one on my truck has been cut and I'm not sure if it's needed. I see that at the beginning of your build you had it there and now you don't. Do you remember what this bundle was for?
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