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Old 10-21-2017, 11:14 AM   #16
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Re: Can i ask a dodge truck question

Ahhh the old Dodge vs Chevy vs Ford
I don't have too many bias's with the new trucks they all seem to be a lot better built than they used to be.
I haven't been in a newer dodge in a few years but a buddy of mine uses them as shop/business vehicles and although they are good trucks he definitely notices the quality difference downwards in comparison to a new GM....noting that they are less money to buy, making them attractive for businesses.
He says they seem to be a little 'tinnier' in their operation and cheaper in their interior appointments and quality....but that doesn't mean they are not a good truck.

One thing I noticed was they can be quicker to start rusting. I was on holidays this year back east in an area that uses a fair amount of salt on the roads. One thing i noticed was the abundance of newer dodges that were already starting to rust around the rear wheel wheels....very similar to the old '70's square body Chev's.

If I lived in a 'high salt' area I definitely would be 'rust-checking' those areas of the truck as well as the cab, rockers, etc.

Again...I always believed Dodge to make very good engines...and on size for size they certainly used to perform better than the GM's or Fords.

my two bits.
....for some men, there is experience, skill and effort....for the others...there is visa and UPS LOL
1966 Chevy 1/2 ton (Florida- Red/white)
1972 Chevy 1/2 ton (California- Blue/white)
2005 Chevy Silverado HD2500/Duramax
2000 Dodge Ram 1500
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