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Old 10-26-2017, 11:14 PM   #2
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Re: Opinions wanted! seriously, they are

Originally Posted by 72kool View Post
I can not pull an engine out to fix leaks and leave it stock. Just doesn't seem right or even possible.

I have some vortec heads that I want to use after I have them checked and cleaned. And also swap out the cam and intake to match. Paint the engine and good to go.
You CAN pull it and leave it all stock - but if concerned about originality, why install vortec heads?. Doesn't hurt any originality to pull and put it back in, even if you want to swap heads - just keep your originals in the closet. So, I don't necessarily agree with it "doesn't seem right" (not that you were asking for agreement! I do understand how you feel about it). Possible is a different story though and I can understand the hesitancy. Paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 are kind of at odds. If you didn't want to paint the engine, I'd say, yes, leave it in. But considering all you want to do to it AND paint it, I'd find a way to pull it or it will be a half-way looking paint job. I've been in your shoes, and didn't want to pull engines either, for similar reasons.

If it's impossible, it's impossible, completely understand. Bottom end doesn't need to be touched if it runs fine now and you're just adding heads. But does the oil pan leak? If you pull the engine, ALL the rest that you want to do is so much easier on an engine stand (sorry, I realize this is the "if it's impossible" paragraph..)

I'd do the compression check etc, address leaks on the bottom first, then pull the top end and replace what you want heads, gaskets, etc etc. Personally, I'd just degrease and clean it up real well and skip paint until you can actually pull it out in the future.
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