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Old 10-27-2017, 11:04 AM   #6
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Re: Opinions wanted! seriously, they are

Originally Posted by Coley View Post
now, you don't want to pull the engine...fair might not have the space, tools and overall set up to do this....and it isn't an 'afternoon/overnight operation' for 95% of the population and once the engine is are looking at a boatload of time before you probably will want to put it back in...because you will suffer from 'mission creep' once you see the engine is out of the truck.
I think he was saying he's planning to pull the engine, but he doesn't feel right about doing that and just cleaning it up. As far as the mission creep goes, Coley's right, you'll have to have some self-discipline to avoid that. My Blazer threw a rod (3 holes through the block) on January 31, 2013. I was just going to pull the engine and put in a used Vortec engine. Here's how my truck sits today:
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