Re: '85-'88 base rad support vs 89-'91 base rad support
The air intake is in same spot. That never changed location no matter stacked, side by side, single headlight or big/small block. That much I do know.
Compared 87-88 grille mounts to 89-91 and they are in same spot.
89-91 single headlight bezel uses one screw on top vs two for earlier one but that can't be the only reason.
Looking at them, I agree the signals use same mounting points.
The 89-91 support is 15628622 and 85-88 is 15606587.
83-88 headlight assembly is 5968097. Same number for 89-91.
Maybe it is just a matter of new series truck meant new part number?
I have a truck that was swapped to GMC quad headlight and Im trying to go back to the 89-91 single headlight. Have all parts just not the rad support.