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Old 10-28-2017, 10:04 PM   #1
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LMC Carpet Way Too Long (What to Do?)

I'm putting the carpet in the 72 and it's at least 10 inches too long. I pushed it up on the firewall as far as it needs to be and it still covers the gas tank by 10 inches. The carpet in my 71 is seamed right at the base of the tank, so I know this is not right. Should I cut this carpet or unbolt the tank and slip it under? If I cut it, what should I use to seal the edge to keep it from fraying? This kind of makes sense in that what ever I get from LMC is always too long or too short or doesn't fit at all. Not ranting but LMC is about as sub-standard as they come. I blame myself for continuing to use them.
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