k10 hub temperatures
I recently replaced all the front wheel bearings and races in my 81 k10, bearings are properly greased, followed the proper torque procedure's, warn hubs are installed correctly etc. Today when I got home from work, I checked the hub temperatures and the driver side was fine. The passenger side however I can only touch for about 3 seconds before I had to pull my hand away it was quite a bit warmer than the driver side. I jacked both sides up and they both spin freely and smoothly with no binds and they feel great and have no play in them. I pulled the passenger locking hub off and took a look and it looked fine. Am I OK? Or should I investigate further?
Also, when I checked the hubs I just got done driving the freeway for about 50 miles and the ambient temperature was 70 degrees. Does anyone have a idea on how hot the hubs should be? Is there a specification?