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Old 11-05-2017, 05:52 PM   #10
Orange Crate
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Re: CL Hickey Worm winch

Originally Posted by BLT gmc View Post
This I what I found regarding manufacturers when I did my research about 2 yrs ago. Since then I have learned that Ramsey attached the solenoid pack directly to the end of the winch and Hickey moved the pack inside the engine compartment up on the inner fender.

Well here is the follow-up, at least part of it. This is a Ramsey winch. It is a Model DC-200 Series Lever Equipped Industrial Low-Mount Winch. 26 page manual at Ramsey Winch. In the manual the solenoid pack is attached directly to the end of the spool gear case immediately above the motor. I am not convinced this is where Hickey would have the pack as it would cover up the Hickey Enterprises emblem cast into the spool gear case. Hope this helps someone. Take care, Bruce
BLT thanks for those links in your other post, I looked at the Ramsey DC-200 and I think you are correct, they are the original mfg. I see a few differences in some of the parts in the DC-200 (brake) Hopefully the parts are still available to keep these old Hickeys going. I see some parts availability at the Pierce web site. I'll get bearings and seals and my local bearing house and have anything else made if things get serious in getting this back in service and mounted. Let the fun begin!
72 K20 Custom Camper, D60, 14BFF, full roller 406 TPI w custom built ECU and has tow hooks...and a 5 speed
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