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Old 11-05-2017, 09:40 PM   #1
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PSC steering box

Hello all,

I am fighting my PSC box and need help identifying these parts and exactly what is supposed to be in the sector shaft.

PSC is hopefully sending me, (and charging) these items but i would like to confirm what it should be when complete.

I have a clunking sound in my box and have spent countless hours inspecting my front end and adjusting the box. Finally i pulled the shaft back out and removed the retainer (3) holding the stud (4) and there was grit and metal inside the bore of the sector shaft (1).

There is what appears to be a bushing (6) but it is worn and not much left.

If PSC can not source these items, where can i order them? I really need this truck back together. It is my DD.

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