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Old 11-15-2017, 08:50 AM   #39
In The Ten Ring
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Re: Remove Front Cab Bolts

3/8 inch off? That's a lot least I think so. I don't know....but that seems like a lot.

If the thing is mobile, get that frame checked out. If the frame isn't straight you will be chasing shim issues forever and you'll never get it right. Just like building a house, if the foundation isn't level and solid, you will never have a good result.

I have driven as far north as PA for a cowl and as far west as Nashville for doors and then the doors weren't there! 12 hours round trip driving for nothing. Your frame shop will be there, unlike those TN doors.

Tell you what man, I'd start my own thread on your possibly bent frame, that should get more knowledgeable replies than mine.
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