Re: Looking for THE Serpentine belt set up
Originally Posted by weq92f
Be prepared to bog your machine down bigtime if you click on that second facebook link. It's one of those never-ending web pages that just keeps on loading as you keep on scrolling. It got to nearly 1 GB of memory use and 100%CPU ( only 1 thread thankfully! ) as I got only down to September ( two months worth of posts ) before I killed it. Too much crap on there with all the video and add content that loads and runs without my consent!
Just sayin'
The pulley systems are dang cool though. I'd go for the 2" belt one but I've got too little room between the BBC and the radiator!
Sorry, man.. I found him on the FB C-10 page.. I REALLY like his setup. I would have posted a webpage for him, had I found one.
'67 C10 SWB - (frame-off in progress)
'78 K5 Blazer - LQ4/4L65e - 4WD