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Old 11-17-2017, 07:17 PM   #3
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Re: Overly Touchy / Sensitive Power Brakes

Well... it sounds perhaps that as you said, the brakes work TOO well! You could start by checking how much brake pedal free play you have and adjust as required so that you have between 1/4 - 1/2 inch of pedal before actual braking begins -- IE, the master cylinder piston begins compressing. This free play is an essential part of a proper Master Cylinder / Booster installation.

Since you only mentioned the Booster is new and installed by someone other than yourself... this is where I would begin looking for a possible fault. The Proportioning Valve is Next as a possible fault location, as too much hydraulic pressure can also cause the problem you have described. **Thanks for mentioning it Harpo!**

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