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Old 11-17-2017, 11:11 PM   #42
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Mountain View, Alberta, Canada
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Re: 56 task force on 80 1/2 ton frame pictures

So I am getting ready to put my cab back on the frame one more time! This time in order to confirm distributor room near firewall and plan a small firewall modification suggested and shown by Ogre.

This is to allow for room of the distributor module as found on the 350 Ramjet motor I am planning on getting.

Here are pictures of the floorboards and inner fenders which got primer and undercoated at the same time.The bond that you see on the floor boards is a fibreglass reinforced bondo put on over any welding I had to do. The rubberized undercoating is from Eastwood. You can see the epoxy primer on the engine side of one of the inner fender photos and the same undercoating on the wheel side.

I am pretty happy with the undercoating except the economy gun I purchased with the quart cans of primer did not work at all for me. I emailed Eastwood and they knew of the problem and are issuing me a credit right away. Luckily I had purchased enough of the undercoating in aerosol cans to do the vast majority of the job. The engine side of the inner fenders is getting Eastwood underhood paint, I think it is called!

Going to let this stuff sit for a few days then when one of my sons is on days off we will put it back on.
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Last edited by 56hotrodred; 11-17-2017 at 11:19 PM.
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