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Old 11-22-2017, 04:18 AM   #25
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Re: Stock Rear Axle Gearing

It will definitely hurt the power a little bit with a gear change. These old trucks were built when average speed limits were 55 mph. I also don’t take mine over 3k rpm for long periods either. Which means a top speed of 60-65. I just live with it because I know my trucks limits and don’t generally drive it more than 50-100 miles daily trips. It was my daily driver for a long time though. Highway driving was kinda sucky getting passed all the time but without od or better highway gears you are kinda stuck with what you have. A axle swap is almost always cheaper than regearing a axle if you can find a good complete axle in the ratio you want. I went 4.10 when I changed to 3/4 ton axles because I’m also running 35 inch tires. But when running stock tires somewhere in the 3.42-3.73 would have been best. 307 isn’t the strongest of engines either so the lower gearing helps keep you in a good power range for pulling. It’s a toss up between power and speed that is hard to compare unless you try it.
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