The horn pin and spring assembly on my '70's (non-tilt) canceling cam was missing so I ordered this one from Speedway.
What showed up was not the style pictured on their site, but the slightly newer "push and twist" style with the small tab on the side of the plastic bushing. It won't fit in my old canceling cam, and I'm not about to jerry-rig it by gluing it in.
Since I can't seem to find anyone who sells the older style "jam it in" style, I figured I'd just get a new canceling cam and be done with it. Does anybody know if the cams sold through Brothers Trucks or Classic Parts are the "push and twist" style with regards to this pin and bushing? Both websites show them in a photo, but from the backside, so you can't see the end where this pin/bushing set up goes.
Thanks much!