I need some guidance regarding door alignment. I've read what seems like a dozen door alignment threads, but I have a couple of unique circumstances that have me confused. First of all, I'm trying to realign my poorly hung driver's door while I have the front clip off for my swap. The door hangs low in the back and the previous owner was using the latch to attempt to pull it up.

Here's the circumstances. The previous owner bought the K5 about 2.5 years ago and proceeded to fix most of the major rust issues (rockers, floor patches, torque boxes) and gave it a satin black paint job. I jumped on this Blazer because it was basically rust free, but ran like crap and leaked from just about every possible location. The body mounts must have been replaced with LMC rubber mounts around that time and the driver's side door is a cut down (non-72) truck door. The truck also has a cage bolted in to the floor. Sooooo, with reasonably new body mounts, a replacement door, an installed roll cage.....what's the best course of action here? Do I have to remove the cage before I can start moving things? I know I should grab my top and bolt that on, but it might be difficult to do that in its current state.

I ordered new mounts from Wes at Classic Heartbeat, but that's before I realized it already has LMC mounts. I'm still going to compare and see if the LMC's are already collapsing. I believe the previous owner patched up the floors and rockers without the doors or top installed. I can't tell if he welded in some structure before cutting it up, but I doubt it.
My gut says that I need to shim the A pillar up and slide the door up and back. The A pillar body mounts already have a 1/4" of shims installed for a total height of 1.25". The passenger side hangs quite a bit better with the original door. That mount is also 1.25" total, but that door looks decent.