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Old 11-27-2017, 04:30 PM   #6
In The Ten Ring
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Re: AN adaptor size 1969 c10

Originally Posted by TheSeeker View Post
Ok I found the adaptor fitting for the pump, the original line is 5/16th hardline with a 1/2-20 inverted flare tube nut. I bought the adaptor for the pump just need to know opinions on one last thing, Coming out of the pump should I purchase a 90 degree elbow fitting or a straight end hose fitting? It looks like either will work with the hose length I have
I asked the Summit Racing guy the exact same question but he said not to buy an elbow. When it comes time to put the SS hose together, I might try both ways, I have some 6 feet of house and you can reuse those fittings.

For now I am just putting together some rubber hose and AN fittings so I can get the thing running. Next spring I will try to get the SS hose fitted up and going.

Are you keeping the in carb filter?

I plan to keep it AND run an AN filter although that may be extreme.

*I think an elbow would be neater, keeping the hose closer to the engine and out of the way, but I think you'll need some clamps you can fit under various bolts to hold the hose next to the engine and try to mimic the old hardline path. That said, not using an elbow might make replacing the pump easier as the hose won't fit so may have to try both ways and get back with us.

sCan you get us some pics when you are done? I especially want to see how it turns out for you as I have the same engine and problem.
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