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Old 12-03-2017, 01:55 PM   #9
In The Ten Ring
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Re: How do i fix the pictures

Originally Posted by LockDoc View Post
If they are not your pictures and the thread you are trying to view was not started by you there is no way you can see them. If the thread was started by you and the photobucket pictures are yours, you can pay the $400, or whatever the ransom is, and get the pictures to magically re-appear. I have NEVER used photobucket and I'm damn glad.....

That's how online sites work.....and Facebook is especially bad to sell every bit of info a person gives them. In fact, I saw a video interview of Zuckerberg just as his site was gaining popularity. He got a bit cocky, let his guard down, and let his Freud slip.

He said "those dumb bit**es! First thing you know they were sending me all this private info on themselves and I realized I could sell that." The female show host picked up on that and zeroed in. He turned red, got quiet, and started apologizing. You do know, he was sued and settled for several million dollars for stealing the idea for FB from two fellow students in college. He has lately come out for a "world-wide min. wage" for every person on Earth. That is textbook socialism right there.

Photobucket probably came under new control and the owner was blowing all his income on something. First came the massive amount of ads, so many the site was near useless as it took a day to load. Then came the offers of framing each pic you ever stored there and selling that back to you so you could hang it on your wall. (Not a bad idea but the constant ads on it were annoying). Now they want $400.00 to keep your pics viewable.....remember what happened to Netflix when they wanted to increase their monthly fee from $8.00 to $10.00? WORLD WIDE REVOLT AND CANCELLED MEMBERSHIPS. They dropped that idea 1 week later.....Photobucket's owner probably isn't that bright.
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