I wish it was mine, but this is my brother's 55 small window that he is currently building. It started off as a 3200, but they shortened the frame and will be putting a custom short-bed on it.
what it looked like when he got it:
and this is what it looks like as of now:
long story short: they just finished the chop in the 2nd pic, cut the rear window so it lines up exactly with the side windows and is the same height. It's bagged on 20" Intro Vista II's and has a narrowed Ford 9" rearend.
It will be completely shaved with suicide doors, molded in front fenders, the frame will be boxed in and will serve as the tank for the airride, and he's torn between a blown big block and an LS1.
Oh yeah, it's gonna be sprayed in candy.
More progress pics can be seen here: