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Old 12-05-2017, 12:49 AM   #1
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'60-'62 factory fan shroud

Factory fan shroud for '60-'62 Chevy, standard 1/2-ton radiator.
It's straight, and solid.
The two middle mounting holes were drilled out. You can either put a washer over the radiator bolt and use it as-is, or repair it with a welded patch.

Remember this summer, cruising and watching the needle on the temp gauge rise while you sweated like a whore in church on Sunday morn?

This will fix that.

$150 plus the ride.

Can also be picked up at the NE GA Swap Meet the first Saturday of every month.

Attached Images
'61 Suburban daily driver: off the road due to 180-pound 8-pt buck!
'62 K-10 long-step project
'61 C30 Camper, aka "Valdez"

There's no cool like Old School
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