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Old 04-21-2004, 08:17 PM   #21
Dobie G
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Burbank
Posts: 47
Originally posted by 1970blazin
Living in Washington we probably won't take the top off much, but we are going to mount the flip-down screen onto an alum. plate, and then mount that on a plate that you can see in the pic below in the middle of the roll bar. We will make it a "Quick-release" sort of thing and be able to detach the wiring so we can take the screen out for "security" or "elements" Hopefull it will work okay- haven't REALLY worked out all the details---hoping for not alot of bugs in the plan
On the amp...I am not sure about any stuff with the stereo, but the friend that is doing all the work has a van that can blow your eardrums...he is REALLY into the whole stereo deal, so I think he will fix us up good!

I like that plate. Way to have that welded in.
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