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Old 12-10-2017, 12:27 AM   #7
'65 chevy lover
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Re: My fuel tank install

Originally Posted by raidmagic View Post
Ok I've got the tank installed and bolted to the frame. The only thing I don't have done is the strap. For the life of me I'm not understanding where it goes. I have 2 straps and they don't fit anything. Can you show me a picture from underneath how you did your strap? At this point I'm thinking it's a safety measure. I did everything with the bed on btw.
It'll be tomorrow before I can take some more pictures. You're right, the strap is there for safety. First, straighten out the strap. Then, place the tank on the ground with the bottom facing up. Then, center the strap on the tank. Then, form each end of the strap to wrap around the tank. Then take the bolts with the hook bent on the end and hook into the strap. The bolts are going to be at an angle, but don't worry about that. I used lock nuts so you don't have to worry about them backing off. When you see more pics of all this it will make more sense.
Edit: I just noticed that you said you did all that with the bed on. I thought it would be impossible to do but apparently not. Anyway, I'll post up some more pictures tomorrow.
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