Good advice; thank you LS!
Quick story: I have a '68 Jeepster convertible (they made 472 of my model that year). I was doing some work on it about 10 years ago (I have had it for about 35 years) and one of the things that was on the list was paint. I really wanted to paint it yellow but my wife (she was my GF at the time) suggested taking it back to stock, which is a combo of turquoise and white, and I did. In the end, it was the right decision and I get many compliments on it (it even won Best of Show at the Jeepster 50th Anniversary event in Moab this year).
I took a look at your profile and see you are a landscape contractor just up north of me. I am a swimming pool contractor down here; too bad we are not closer and could work on projects together; I am always looking for a good landscape contractor!
Thank you again for the advice! I'm gonna kick it around (still sounds good in my head) but would love to see a pic from someone who's done this combo before I pull the trigger