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Old 12-13-2017, 10:20 AM   #13
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Re: 67 C10 small window build

For what it's worth, I think the 20s up front at the height you showed in the pic looks awesome.

I'm going for the lowest static drop up front that I can go with basic drop parts (spindles, springs). I will be at 6.5" total drop and my control arm is about where yours is now. If you put the bump stop in, the truck will be resting on it by about 1/2". I cut the bump stop mount out completely and that's how I run it. I also had to do a few other mods to get the truck to handle properly with this much spring drop. If you're doing a 5" drop, I'd say raise yours up about 1" and that's where it will be (in regards to the last pic you posted).
Builds: Green Gus the 68 C10 | Bluey the 72 1500 | Lowly the 70 C10
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