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Old 12-13-2017, 04:06 PM   #108
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Re: 1941 1/2 ton project Hannah

thanks, I am overly cautious with safety so I wont put myself at risk. I read up on spiders, and we teach catch and release in our house. brown recluse and black widows dont get that consideration. the family knows what they look like too, no accidental squash of a brown spider or a grass spider. in kansas brown recluse are actually more silvery grey, but they have those huge mud brown fangs and you cant miss it once you have seen it. when we pulled back the first board and there were 20 of them looking at us, we almost stopped. while squishing them there were a few that jumped on me and so I had to knock them off.

here is my bite, lost a little flesh but on the mend. just oozing now.

Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 9.24.41 PM by Joe Doh, on Flickr

I think it will be ok, its not painful any longer. I notice in the picture you can see the old scar on my shin of a hitch ball someone left on their truck that I punted over 15 years ago!
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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