Re: OK I posted ? in wrong Area . .
Great to Here , but that is Putting words in My Mouth . .
I Simply was referring to Facts - that - Looking at Sites all over the World . .
Trucks or Vintage Cars . .
The Classified Section on this Blog , Forum etc. didn't have as Many Classifies to See or to Choose From . . In Other Words
If I were to Compare the Free Sites to say the Sites that Charge $25.00 , $45.00 , or Even $75.00 for an Sales Ad that will Run until : Item is Sold or Least 9 Months ..
All those Sites seem to have 1000"s Compared to 50 Ads ..
I couldn't Find the Area on Fee's too Easily - Perhaps this would be a Great Time & Place to List Them , along with Time Ad will Posted , alone with Communications . .
As it seems , there is No Getting away From Trolls or Bots , but We sure can come up with Methods to Hinder that . . from Happening .
Mother Nature will Collect on Her Debt ..