The plate does not have the Rosette rivets. But able to match vin to a partial on frame and I believe the engine block. (Need to confirm again) Been very stressful especially during holiday madness and work. Were just trying to preserve Father in Laws truck. He spent so much to rebuild it and never use it. Need to look into finding a good registration service. Because were already deep into it and not just a cut and dry walk in and walk out. What does the vin. come up as? I will be calling Father in Law this weekend to get more info. out of him.
Originally Posted by jocko
Wow, I'm flabbergasted (yet somehow not surprised...) Hope you get it sorted out soon - I'd definitely pursue an intermediary as suggested if you can find one. How frustrating. Sounds like this is as much VIN related as it is emissions - which adds a bit to the harassment theme in my pea brain. There IS no emission standard for a 72, just equipment presence. And they know what to look at - making you get a letter from the mfgr really kinda boils down to blatant harassment - it's their JOB to know what to look at to know if the equipment is still there.
EDIT: Having said all that, I'm having a BEAR of a time decoding your VIN. Does it have rosette rivets? It's not coming out as a 70 GMC by my notes.
A 70 GMC 1/2 ton with V8 built at Oshawa should look something like: C9E140 1 XXXXXX
Do you know if it was originally sold IN Canada or was it built in Canada and first sold in US? That may not matter, but just curious.