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Old 12-23-2017, 05:39 PM   #9
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Re: Steering/Alignment Help Please

Originally Posted by C10_ustacould View Post
I removed the pitman arm last night and centered the steering box by counting turns. What I though would happen is, based on the fact that there are 4 key-ways in the output shaft and the pitman arm, the arm would have been misaligned and by moving it a quarter turn it would correct my issue. Well the output shaft doesn't even turn enough to accomplish that. With that idea debunked I began to wonder if the box being spaced over 3/8" is causing the issue. I don't think that to be true as it would require me to shorten the passenger tie-rod and lengthen the driver side more driving them farther from being equal. So... if I've evaluated my research correctly I'm left with taking everything back to "zero". By this I mean centering the center link (if that is the correct place to start), make the tie-rod ends equal, and possibly modify the frame to accept the steer box without spacers. What do y'all think?
I definitely think you sould center it up and then set your toe 1/8 in and try that. I doubt the 3/8 spacers are causing the issue but a BFH and torch could ease your mind. But i would try center and toe first. The un even rods will cause a bunch of negative response to the driver. That alone helped mine a bunch. But I have forward and narrow arms and air ride so Im pretty sure to finish cleaning mine up i will need some sort of bump steer kit. Which is not hard except that it will probably contact my Im currently looking for a type 5 bent tie rod that will fit. If thats even made.
The Ghost 67 short wide full custom. 550 hp LSX, 4l80E, narrowed 9". Body dropped w/air ride!
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