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Old 12-30-2017, 12:50 AM   #12
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Re: Needed a diff, coming home with a 90 R20

Originally Posted by Irish1941 View Post
Cool score! Wife would shoot me if I was to drag home another truck.
Been trying to find a set of 89-91 14bolt SF V20 Sub axles with zero luck.
Wish I could get some luck like that in the new year.

That 2wd 14bff should just fine. G80 in the FF is tough as nails and a 2wd probably didn't see any real abuse
You are looking for a semi float 14? What ratio. I gots.
Feel free to pm me.

Most people don't have problems with them. I do. I have never had a semi float 14 last.

I have blown up 3. 2 of them spit the spider gears out the diff cover.
The 3rd was a g80 failure that ruined everything.

I blew the spider gears out the diff cover on this one attempting a Burn out in 4low, with the front hubs unlocked. I didn't think the n/a 6.2 had it in it.
The rear tires spun about a half rotation, then boom!

Dang it. We were on our way to a memorial dinner, so I locked the front hubs in and went to the dinner and then drove home.

Lesson learned.
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