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Old 04-24-2004, 10:36 PM   #4
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Virginia beach, Va
Posts: 209
Mine is Ms. Molly, I had a girl in High School that had red hair, I had a big crush on her, asked her out, she turned me down. so I named my truck that, because well my truck is red, and no one but me can have her. 87 vette named her ms. holly ryhmed, and because she loved to haul assy. Named my tacoma fred. slow like fred flinstones car. seems like you could get it going faster by cutting into the floor board and making it go my running.
~Christopher L. Orr
71 c20, 454- Stolen While Deployed. dynoed at 550 ft lbs, 425 hp at 3000 rpm (mustang dyno). TH400 3500 stall.... etc, etc.
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