205 gear drive part time case, good strong dependible. NP201 is another t case same as the 205 but makes the 205 look tiny, it's big. The rockwell, same as a 205, came in 1/2 tons as well, came in trucks before the 205 was offered, gear driven, good strong case just hard to find parts for, also about the same size as a 205.
'51 South Bend Model "9A"
'56 Chevy 3600 NAPCO
'74 Chevy Cheyenne Super K20-restored on 37's
'72 GMC Sierra Custom K2500- in progress
'08 GMC Envoy Denali
'12 GMC Sierra 2500HD Denali
'17 GMC Yukon XL
VCCA member #58596