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Old 01-03-2018, 07:50 AM   #3
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Re: 06 5.3 Loud tick Lifter?

One question . Do you have Displacement on demand ( DOD ) . If so this is a common problem that happens . This happens like the flip of a switch .The intake lifter is of special nature and they collapse . When it does you can stick your finger between the push rod and the rocker arm so the lifter is just bouncing around in the bore which most likely the reason for you oil pressure drop .

The fix . You can either pull the heads and install new DOD lifters ( I recommend changing exhaust as well ) or do a DOD delete kit . This changes all lifters to reg ones ( eliminates DOD ) and a new valley cover . The delete is what most will do . I have an engine in the shop now that I will be doing it to . Do a google search DOD delete kit and you will see many offer it . Also read up on it if you plan on doing it yourself

If indeed this is your problem you can do this either way and drive that engine many more miles .
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