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Old 01-06-2018, 10:59 AM   #7
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Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside RESTO-GO!

It may work its way out on its own .I once went to a Dr for something in my eye that I could not see and my eye was all scratched up. He sent me to a specialist whom could not find anything in my eye either but put me on some special sterioud drops and told me to come back every other day .I waited in hid little room waiting for hours .I was always the last patient he saw no matter if my appointment was before others .I was in misery so I kept going back .The last appointment with him I waited 6 hours and when he came in I was mad as hell and I told him he was fired ,that my time was just as important as his and he had just wasted 6 hours of my time .He told me I had to be supervised on how to come off the eye drops and I told him it would not be by him .
When I got home and cooled off I went to a mirror and finally saw that an eye lash was trapped under my eyelid causing all that pain and it was working out on its own .But you would have thought a specialist Dr would have seen that from the beginning .
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