Thread: SPID SEO Codes
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Old 01-07-2018, 04:46 PM   #13
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Re: SPID SEO Codes

Originally Posted by 60-66 View Post
Lots of Suburbans out there with RH arm rests , how often did a person climb into the back seat with the RH door shut ?
I was questioning that too. If it's true that "The factory didnt put armrests on the burbs or the right jump seat wouldnt be able to fold forward with the door shut", then maybe the reason had to do with getting OUT of the rear seat- folding forward the jump seat, getting out of the door, and then shutting the door behind you. Possibly the arm rest would be jammed against the forward-folded seat and that's why it was not done? I can't test this theory on my truck.

The Data Book shows 9842 for both LH & RH sides. It seems that 9842A denoted LH, and 9842C denoted RH. See the SPID below.

Originally Posted by 60-66 View Post
The seat now, without those holes in the floor , possibly was done without the jump seat ? Just a two thirds front ?
That may make sense also. The jump seat was there when I got it and all appeared "factory", but it is possible that in the previous 45 yrs, someone added it and re-covered it to match the 2/3 bench. Who knows? But how did the Plant know to install the rear sliders? Seems like there would be another code for that. Again they appear to be factory.

Originally Posted by 60-66 View Post
Paint , if I read the Spid sheet description in the book correctly , I think your paint code could have been typed in the upper RH corner of your spid according to what it says about special paints , thats now missing on yours. Somewhere I also have pictures of a Civil Defense truck coming down the assembly line in Blue on roof , cowl and hood and white everywhere else , possible there was another color on this Suburban ?
Someday when it gets repainted I will carefully remove all the paint and maybe I will discover something. At this time there is no evidence of anything other than white all over.

Here is a SPID I saved from the internet somewhere, I don't remember where. I believe it was a C60. It has lots of interesting SEO codes, including a spelling error.
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