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Old 01-07-2018, 10:55 PM   #13
The Older Generation

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Re: brake lights and dash lights don't work anymore.

Originally Posted by VetteVet View Post
Here's the clue.
but no dash lights and or parking/brake lights.

In my post I said that the orange wire to the headlights powered the parking and the dash lights.

You never said that you had no parking lights or any brake lights.

the orange wire also powers the brake lights and the dome light. It runs to the headlight switch, the stoplight switch and to the dome switch connector.
Study the last diagram I posted and you can follow the orange wire from the fuse panel to those switches. The orange wire is a constant hot wire fed by a red wire from a junction in the harness. You have probably lost the connection on the large red wire to the fuse panel.

Check for power on the stop tail fuse and the dome light fuse.
If they are good then you can troubleshoot the orange wire circuit by jumping from the Cig terminal to each of those fuses like you did with the PNL LTSS fuse.\

In fact you must have power to the fuse panel on the red wire or the first check you did would not have worked. I suspect that you may have a bad connection on the back of the fuse panel where the red wire comes in.

The turn signals have no bearing on your problem, they are on a completely different circuit, however the hazards are on the orange wire circuit, so check them to see if they work.

Look at the fuse panel in the bottom right of the diagram and see the red power wire that comes in to power the orange wires. Then trace the orange wires and you'll see how they power the switches.

He mentioned that he didn't have any dash lights or brake lights in his first post, second sentence, but he said they worked when he run the jumper wire from the CIG terminal to the PNL LTS.


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