Originally Posted by HO455
I think the key word is supposed to as it obliviously didn't slide on my door. Look at the small dent and paint chip in the center of the door's front edge. Brand new reproduction part working NOT.
Yes, they are
supposed to self adjust the first time you close the door. But as you've found out, they don't always work as intended.
I usually measure the length of the old switch (if available) and then put the new switch in a vice (with the threaded end stuck into a scrap of steel pipe as a spacer) and carefully compress it in to the desired length. An alternative that might also work would be use some masking tape to temporarily attach a small piece of sheet metal to the contact area on the door ... with the idea being the extra layer of metal should reduce the chance of it denting the door and chipping the paint. Although even after they're adjusted, the normal action of the switch does tend to wear off a small spot of paint.