Thread: Project Twizler
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Old 01-08-2018, 02:12 AM   #11
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Re: Project Twizler

After that I went to work on my axle. Using a ford 9 inch big bearing. No idea what it came out of, picked it up for $50 5 years ago. I don't even know if he knew it was a big bearing. Decided to shorten it so I could put 16 inch wide tires on the back. cut about 10 inches off each end. Used a digital level to zero out the axle side to side and front to back. Then found the degrees the housing ends were on from the factory. They were both 6 degrees down to the back. Used a hose clamp to make my mark around the tube to cut straight. Then had to cut some tubing off the housing ends so they would fit back into the tube I was using. Also had to measure for how far the disk brake kit would stick out, and find backspacing on the wheels I'm going to use. Decided to go with a 4 and 3/4 inch backspacing. All that added up to around 10 inches on each side, can't remember exactly how much I cut off. Also had to center on the pinion, not the housing itself.
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