Thread: SPID SEO Codes
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Old 01-09-2018, 04:32 AM   #18
1966 K10
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Re: SPID SEO Codes

Thanks for taking the time to explain. I always take internet data with a grain of salt and even double checking against other sites is useless as most just copy from each other not an actual manual or spec sheet.

I have to say I love fleet vehicles, I recently sold a 58 3100 fleet panel van that was used by Southern California Gas and still have a 59 3600 Dept. of Labor truck. Surprised to see some things in a fleet like radio and deluxe heater, the whole spid and build sheet really make it more interesting to me since you can really take it back to how it was and know for sure. For my older fleet trucks I dont have that pressure to do it exact and can feel good making it correct for the year.
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